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Financial services

Our task is to find an external financing for your company


Application for the investment credit together with business plan. Preparation of analytical documents to apply for repayable or non-repayable funds according to the principles defined by the donator/capital donor.

Investor Service

Presentation designed for the prospective financial or branch investors (e.g. elaboration of business plan) in order to introduce the company as an attractive entity capable of intercepting or financing selected investments of a company.

Financial and economic analysis

Analysis of the financial condition of an enterprise conducted for own needs in order to improve its efficiency or to meet the requirements of external entities, e.g. banks or investments’ funds.

Financing your entity

Analysis and estimation of the needs for the financing the ongoing and investment activities, including the recommendations for financing sources, profitability and financial feasibility as well as the risk of an investment.

Due diligence

Due diligence of a company or property including assessment – analysis of commercial, financial, legal and tax condition in order to identify chances and risks in respect of a capital transaction.

NewConnect Market

Presentation of the potential for obtaining additional financing company activities by NewConnect which is entering the Warsaw Stock Exchange run in the form of an alternative turnover system, designed for emerging and young enterprises acting in the sectors of the so called new technologies.

Looking for the financial support for your company?

We will make the analysis, elaborate business plan and put your application for an investment credit

What else can we do for your company?

  • Market analysis – market research for consumers, competition, products;

  • Design of marketing campaign, brand or product promotion;

  • Identification of disturbances and needs of organization– one- or multi-day diagnostic workshop;

  • Programme for restructuring business processes;

  • Elaborating technical documents: building permit design, local spatial management plan;

  • Consultancy regarding legal regulations related to given investment;

  • Environmental proceeding i.e. administrative process;

  • Valuation surveys elaborated by a certified property valuer.